Sunday, March 1, 2009

Halt the Presses!

This just in, Evan Oxland completes his premiere sculptural piece named, “Dragon Lady.” It immediately struck critical acclaim (although not necessarily good claims) with his peers (albeit the other two blokes stuck on the volcano with him).

In a recent interview Oxland reflects on his influences, “Well, you see Jim, I had just finished reading Michael Crichton’s Jurrasic Park when I it struck me… Or, should I say SHE struck me. I mean the stone I was in the business of mutilating with hammers and chisel or reordering into neat looking little piles was all the product of this woman… this age of mighty beasts, their very bones were providing me with the medium I made a living on. In this way Crichton’s dinosaur’s are that chthonic force, that primeval feminine, but a tragic one at that. Jurrassic Park really helped me to conceptually grab the essence of this. I mean, there was so much killing, death, and misery in that Park that Ian Malcom warns us of. Malcom is always talking about the forces of chaos, which in many ancient religious texts whether they are ancient Babylonian or Greek Mythic traditions, is represented by the female, the chthonic. And when human intervention, that foolish masculine pride of science, wontedly penetrates prehistoric amber to gather dinosaur DNA, and thus neglects to respectfully acknowledge that ancient sacrifice, the forces of chaos are released. In this sculpture I see a peace offering, a pre-emptive reconciliation, and a ward against an ambiguous future apocalyptic world tyrranised by Velociraptors and Pterodactyls.”

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